Ardbeggeddon IV - Thursday January 9, 2003

I ended up working later than I planned on Thursday and still had to finish packing.  It was 9:30 pm by the time I finally was on the highway heading toward Slur Dave's.  I arrived around midnight exhausted and we kicked off Ardbeggeddon with a dram of:

  1. Ardbeg, McGibbon's Provenance 1990 10 yo 43%  

  2. Springbank 21 yo, OB, 46% (the reference dram).   Wow!  it's been a long time since I've had this dram - an excellent example of a medium colored 21 yo springer. 

That pretty well wrapped up this very conservative start to Ardbeggeddon.  We set up the coffee machine (aka the coffee bong) and crashed around 1:30 am.   Hope this isn't a sign we're slacking off!

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Last update on 1/17/03