Ardbeggeddon IV - Monday January 13, 2003

Notable Quotes from Day 4

"Bring the best whisky you can find and don't be surprised if no one drinks it."  
Advice given to Aceyman (first time attendee) by a veteran PLOWEDster on how to prepare for Ardbeggeddon...  excellent advice by the way since the level of stunning whiskies is completely unbelievable.  Of the 200+ drams there this year I recorded tasting 80, probably tasted 20 more that I didn't record and brought back ~20 samples.  I never got to at least 80 drams and many of these were returned home unopened.  But then there's always next year!  

"Kleptomaltia - the uncontrollable urge to FOAF samples."  (alternatively KleptoFOAFia?)
Uisgetom describing S'tan's demonic attention to the collection of post A4 samples.

Photos from the final Day 4

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Last update on 1/17/03