Ardbeggeddon IV - Sunday January 12, 2003

Notable Quotes from Day 3

"Have you tried Barbara's water yet?  She made it herself!"  (Aquaggeddon?)

"Dr Entropy is the houseguest from hell - he never goes home."  
Uisgetom explaining how they have to wake me around 4 am each morning and send me back to my room to shut down the tasting room each day...  sorry for trying to have a good time! 

"It's a Glenlugie!"  
Description of Mike Chandler's vatting of the remains of all his unfinished drams  into a 500 ml lexan bottle (Bushido started this riff by referring to the container as Mike's spitbucket).  We sent a dram of this to Sister Haggis along with a "wee-wee dram" from Uisgetom to satisfy her insistent requests for A4 samples on the PLOWED discussion board.

"My B-1 is too high... give me another dram!"  (unattributed)

"S'tan - you're feeding the rug.  Response:  Eventually it will fill up."  
A comment made by FX to S'tan as he demonically filled many 50 ml nip samples directly from the full sized bottles without using a funnel late on Sunday night...  a sizable amount from each was missing the bottle and dropping to the floor.  Needless to say the room had an extremely malt nose the next day.

"Just don't drain that sucker before giving me a taste"
A problem at the end of a 4-day tasting with 200 drams...   panic begins to set in that certain drams were disappearing without being sampled yet.

Photos from Day 3

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Last update on 1/17/03